Saturday 13 June 2015


27 Desember, 2013.

Tahukah engkau mengapa aku begitu bahagia hari ini? 
Tahukah engkau mengapa tidak ada air mata hari ini?
Tahukah engkau mengapa senyum ini selalu terukir di wajahku hari ini?
Tahukah engkau mengapa aku sampai tidak sempat melirik handphone ku hari ini?
Tahukah engkau mengapa aku sampai lupa mengingat hal lain hari ini?

Tahukah engkau bahwa jawabannya adalah KAMU?
Tahukah engkau?
Tahukah engkau?
Tahukah engkau?

Terima kasih untuk segala yang kamu berikan untuk aku.
Terima kasih untuk pundak yang selalu bersedia disandarkan dengan kepala ini.
Terima kasih untuk segala nasihat ketika aku penuh dengan amarah.
Terima kasih untuk pelukan yang hangat ketika aku menangis.
Terima kasih untuk kecupan di kening sebelum kita berpisah walau hanya untuk sementara.
Terima kasih untuk genggaman tanganmu yang seolah-olah tidak rela melepaskanku.
Terima kasih untuk petikan gitar yang indah hingga membuatku terpukau.
Terima kasih untuk waktumu yang begitu berharga.
Terima kasih untuk canda tawamu yang mampu menyinari hari-hariku.
Terima kasih.
Aku bahagia, khususnya hari ini.

Begitulah buku harianku, yang ku tulis pada tanggal 27 Desember, 2013.
Tidakkah kalian tahu betapa bahagianya aku pada waktu itu?
Aku sangat bahagia..
Hingga aku lupa bahwa dia bisa pergi suatu saat.

Berhari-hari aku jalani hidupku tanpa seorang "dia". Aku percaya aku lebih kuat hari ini.
Tapi terkadang kepercayaan itu bisa pudar dihancurkan oleh perasaan.
Aku pun tidak bisa..

Aku pernah mencintai seseorang, aku menyayanginya lebih dari diriku sendiri. Bahkan menaruh kepercayaan penuh beribu-ribu persen kepadanya. Tapi apa yang aku dapat? Sebilah kekecewaan? Jadi ini balasannya? 

Tapi aku tidak bisa berhenti untuk mendengarkannya.

Dia adalah seseorang yang selalu aku banggakan kepada teman-temanku.
Dia adalah topik utama saat aku bercengkrama dengan teman-temanku.
Tapi, kenapa kenyataan ini tidak bisa aku terima sampai sekarang?
Aku ditinggalkan,
Dan aku sendiri disini,
Tidakkah dia merasakan apa yang aku rasakan?


" Alvina, cepat turun! Mama sudah lama menunggu kamu di bawah. Kita jadi pergi gak sih? "

" Ah iya! Jadi kok, Ma! Tunggu sebentar..."

Sekarang aku baru tersadar dari lamunanku karena teriakan mama dari bawah. Itu berarti aku memikirkannya lagi dan lagi.
Sungguh sakit untuk menghadapi kenyataan seperti ini, kenapa dia harus hadir jika ingin pergi?
Seandainya dia tahu bahwa hanya dia lah yang mampu membuat aku hingga seperti ini.

Dan seandainya Tuhan mempertemukan kami kembali, aku hanya ingin mengatakan sesuatu untukknya.



Berawal dari ngintip-ngintip instagram orang lain, terutama wanita-wanita sosialita. Some of them posted their photos holding VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY. Tapi kebanyakan mereka menggunakan yang berasal dari India dan Arab.
Akhirnya gue mencoba-coba google tentang VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY tersebut, gue ketemu sama salah satu online shop yang menjual VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY ORIGINAL tapi kali ini berasal dari USA.
Gue pikir berulang-ulang, beli enggak.. beli enggak.. beli enggak.. akhirnya gue pun memutuskan untuk beli juga!

Oke akhirnya gue pun membeli VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY ORIGINAL USA. Tersedia ukuran 49gram, 106gram, dan 212gram (JUMBO), tapi gue mencoba membeli yang 106gram dulu.

Setelah gue coba, gue ngerasa bener-bener hebat khasiatnya. Badannya mungil tapi khasiatnya banyak banget. Gak kayak gue, badan mungil tapi gak ada khasiat.. POOR ME. :(

Pertama, alis gue itu gundul. Sekarang udah rada tebel padahal baru mencoba 4 hari waktu itu. Terus gue mencoba memanjangkan bulu mata, lumayan ampuh sekitar semingguan gue coba pake walaupun numbuhnya dikit-dikit but at least they're growing up!
Dan paling penting adalah sometimes bibir gue suka kering gitu.. daripada gue beli gorengan buat bikin bibir gue jadi minyakan hehe mending gue olesin aja VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY ORIGINAL USA. ke bibir gue tiap malam dan siang. Bibir gue rasanya muluuuuus banget kayak pantat bayi, pecah-pecahnya hilang. It all really happened!

Nah, muncullah otak bisnis gue untuk mencoba menjual-jual produk ini. Gue langsung pesen banyakan daaaan banyak pula rupanya temen gue yang membeli produk ini, mereka bahagia banget sama hasilnya.. karena itu memuaskan!

Ada satu temen gue, temen yang lumayan deket. Doi cowok, tinggalnya memang agak jauh dari gue.
Gue menawarkan produk ini ke doi karena gue tau bibirnya doi memang suka pecah-pecah kayak gue..
Pertama doi gak mau karena doi udah gunain produk dari salah satu MLM di Indonesia yang namanya udah termasuk JELEK atau mempunyai nama buruk.

"Gak ah, Mar. Gue udah make *Sensor* buat semua badan gue." - Doi
"Udah make berapa lama?" - Gue
"2bulanan sih.." - Doi
"Apa efeknya?" - Gue
"Belum lah, lo kira obat dewa begitu make langsung dapet efeknya.." - Doi
"Kok lo R bbm gue doang? Woi njirrrr!" - Doi

Begitulah perbincangan kami sewaktu itu di Blackberry Messenger.

3 hari setelahnya Doi bbm gue lagi..

"Gue kan gak pesan vaseline nya kenapa lo kirimin gue? Jadi gratis nih ya? Hehe."

"Sorry baru bales, gue sibuk! Iya gue sengaja kirimin coba deh lo pake vaseline nya tapi stop pake produk-produk lo yang sebelumnya. Jangan bbm gue lagi kalo belom kasih review!"

"Oke deh, thanks ya"

Akhirnya setelah seminggu, doi nelpon gue.

"Wih keren juga nih VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY nya! Bibir gue alus, bahagia nih pasti cewek gue!"


"Hahahahaha nggak kok becanda.. Eh anyway lutut gue juga mulus sekarang kulit gue gak busikan lagi."

"Nah bener kan apa gue bilang, VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY ORIGINAL USA gak cuman buat cewek tapi bisa juga buat cowok walaupun yang make dominan ke cewek."

"Oh gitu, yaudah gue pesen 1 deh hehe. Gratis lagi gak?"

"Memang gue bilang gratis yang kemaren? Lo bayar 2x lipat atau gak jadi temen gue lagi."

"Sial.. jadi persahabatan kita cuman sebatas VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY ORIGINAL USA? Hahahaha.. oke deh gue DEAL!"

"Nah sip gitu dong, oh ya nti bbm gue kirimin foto vaseline nya ya!"

"Siap bos.."

Begitu telepon mati, doi langsung kirimin gue foto VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY yang doi foto buat gue.

                                                     Gak banget ya cowok kasurnya bunga-bunga tapi oke lah :)

Segitu dulu review dari saya atas VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY ORIGINAL USA.
Masih ragu dengan produk satu ini?

Hubungi saya di
LINE : marcorleonez
WA/SMS : +6285769797697

Saturday 6 December 2014

It just happens ( my version )

Tepatnya bulan September gue menginjak pendidikan di Universitas, gue udah ngerasa beda banget sama lingkungan SMA gue yang dulu. Bahagia iya, sedih juga iya.
Menjadi mahasiswa baru pasti masih ngerasa yang namanya canggung, seneng ketemu temen-temen baru (termasuk gebetan baru) hehehe.
Day by day gue ngejalanin kegiatan perkuliahan gue, gue pengen bikin kali ini yang agak berbeda dari gue di SMA dulu, salah satunya banyak-banyakin ikut organisasi yang bisa bikin gue belajar dari sana, dan gue bisa ngebuktiin bahwa mengikuti organisasi itu bukan penghalang lo untuk belajar, nyatanya pun gue masih bisa ambil 24 sks terus. 
Pertama, gue tertarik banget sama basket. Tapi setelah tau peminat dari kampus gue sendiri aja sedikit banget, yaudah gue ambil juga organisasi lain. Karena di SMA gue pernah masuk English Club, kali ini gue coba masuk lagi ke organisasi itu. But, kali ini tanpa paksaan dari temen-temen.
Lucunya, waktu itu masuk English Club di kampus harus dites dulu by making a conversation with my seniors in English Club, biar mereka tau kita harus masuk ke kelas yang mana. Ada 2 (satunya divisi, satunya conversation) kalo yang divisi itu untuk yang udah bisa dan boleh milih mau masuk divisi apa. There are : story telling, scrabble, debate. Kalo yang conversation itu buat yang baru mau belajar, intinya buat yang belum bisa apa-apa. Nah, lucunya itu ketika gue dites sama salah satu senior di English Club, dia ngomong inggris tapi dia yang salah duluan. Ini yang gak pernah bisa gue lupain tiap kali lewat sekret English Club.

"Hello, good evening. What's your name?"
"Maria Angelica Lusuandie. But you can call me Maria."
"It's okay Maria, where do you come from?"
"I'm from Bandar Lampung, I'm a fresh graduate from Xaverius Pahoman SHS."
"And what make you wantS to join English Club?"
"Sorry kak, I think you just spoke the wrong words. It should have been 'and what makes you want' hehehe."
"Oh ya sorry aku teledor, yaudah kamu mau masuk divisi apa?"
"Adanya apa aja kak?"
"Scrabble, debate, sama story telling. Kamu mau debate?"
"Scrabble aja deh kak." --> setelah berpikir hampir 5 menit, nanti kalo gue ikut debate gue takut semua orang gue bentak-bentak lol

Gak lama keluar dari situ gue ketawa-ketawa sendiri, sampe salah satu kawan gue nanya-nanya penasaran. Dikiranya gue lagi jatuh cinta sama orang yang ada dalam Gedung C (Gedung C itu isinya sekret-sekret organisasi semua)

Suatu hari gue lagi nunggu kakak senior gue yang jadi tutor scrabble buat belajar sama dia di hari ke-2, gue rame-rame lagi ngobrol sambil ketawa-ketawa sama temen-temen gue di depan Gedung C.
Gak lama dari situ ada cowok keluar pake kemeja abu-abu, tas ransel item, kacamata, agak gendut.
Entah darimana datangnya salah satu kawan gue yang lagi duduk deket pintu Gedung C langsung nyetopin dia. 
"Eh, lo bawa mobil ya? Yang mana sih mobil lo?"
Gue gak denger dia jawab apa, gue langsung sontak berdiri dan ikut nimbrung.
"Gue tau yang mana woi! Yang biru itu kan? Kalo bohong ilang mobil lo gue sumpain! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA" dengan bangganya gue ketawa kenceng-kenceng sampe bikin yang laen ketawa semua dan dia pun bingung.
Gak lama dia pergi, salah satu temen gue yang lagi berdiri di samping gue bilang : "ah lo aja tau mobil dia dari gue, pake ketawa-ketawa segala."
"Selow aja bro, nih cowok bisa gue dapetin agaknya kalo gue niat."
Semua yang denger kaget, mulutnya ternganga. 
Guys, what made me laugh so loud? Sejujurnya, gue dari dulu demen banget bikin orang bingung kenapa gue bisa tau tentang dia, seakan-akan gue stalker handal (tapi emang handal sih aslinya), padahal mobil dia tau aja karena orang yang ngomong sendiri ke gue.

Lanjut waktu lagi di kantin sore-sore, lagi-lagi gue nungguin tutor scrabble yang super sibuk. Gue bersama temen-temen gue yang isinya cowok-cowok semua (mereka yang waktu itu ada di Gedung C sama gue)
Salah satu dari mereka tiba-tiba nanya. 
"Mar, lo jomblo gak sih?" 
"Baru putus sih, kenapa emang?"
"Gue jodohin sama minus mau?" ngomong sambil ketawa-ketawa nih orang.
"Minus siapa lagi? Yang tadi ada di Gedung C lagi main gitar?" Gue ngira minus itu cowok yang pertama kali gue sir waktu pertama kali ke gedung C karena dia pake kacamata, terus jago maen gitarnya.
"Bukan loh, minus yang waktu itu lo tebak mobilnya."
"Ohh, palak lo peang! Gak ah. Males."
"Males kenapa? Lo yang bilang bisa dapetin dia." temen gue ikut nimbrung.
"Kan cuman becanda, lagian kan kalo gue niat. Nyatanya niat aja enggak HAHA."

Gak lama, gue disms-in sama senior scrabble bahwa ada pertemuan buat divisi scrabble. Jadi semuanya harus kumpul. Maka datanglah gue ke sekret, gak lama gue dateng, nah ada si "minus" muncul. 
Dalem hati gue "ngapain sih nih orang ikut campur aja" -__-
Tutor scrabble gue, yaitu Fangky Adetia. Ngejelasin maen scrabble, cara ngitung, dll. 
Gak lama Kak Fangky ngejelasin, dia pergi karena ada jam kuliah. Dalem hati seneng banget gue gak ada nih orang. 
Eh begitu dia pergi, Kak Fangky buka web
"Itu yang barusan dateng kesini, juara satu se-indonesia" sambil ngutak-ngatik laptopnya.
"HAH? MASAAAA?" Gue langsung kaget. Semua yang ada di sekret ngeliatin gue, gue jadi malu.
"Iya seriusan, tuh namanya. Christian Oktavius."
"Kok lo bisa kalah sama dia kak? Kan lo jago?" Tanya gue penasaran.
"Jagoan dia lah jauh. Dia datengnya dari binus baru masuk sini."
"Oohhh. Namanya christian ya? Dipanggilnya minus kan?"
"Hah? Minus siapa? Dipanggilnya OBE. Panggil aja dia OBE gak usah christian."

Gue diem sejenak.. Jadi yang bener yang mana nama dia itu? Tapi dalem hati ada rasa salut juga sama ini orang. 
Malemnya, gue lagi chat line sama Kak Kefas (senior gue di English Club) kebetulan dia juga masuk divisi scrabble.
"Eh lo tau gak Kak, juara 1 scrabble di Indo siapa? Si minus gak taunya!"
"Minus siapa sih?
"Christian loh.."
"Nah christian namanya, bukan MINUS."
"Gue aja heran kenapa dipanggil Minus. Gue kira nama dia aslinya Minus, gak taunya Christian, bisa juga dipanggil Obe."
"Iya jago emang dia. Besok temuin gue kalo mau gue bantuin Karya Tulis."

Setelah gue tau dia dipanggil minus karena temen gue yang namanya Rusli itu tau dia pindah dari Binus, gue gak mau panggil dia minus, tapi diganti jadi "Eh".
Jadi kalo mau manggil dia gak sengaja, panggil aja "Eh.. eh.." HAHAHAHA.
Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu gue akhirnya manggil dia dengan panggilan "OBE" juga.

Suatu hari waktu lagi latihan scrabble, gue diminta Kak Kefas buat temenin dia lomba di UNILA. Lomba scrabble loh maksudnya.
Giliran udah mau round terakhir pas lagi break, ada yang dateng dengan PD nya jalan temuin Kak Kefas ntah ngobrolin apaan.
Karena gue udah mulai sering ngobrol sama dia, gue bilang aja gue mau "transfer otak" buat round selanjutnya.
Ya mau apa dikata, 2 round terakhir gara-gara abis "transfer otak" sama dia gue malah jadi menang terus hehe ajaib.
Gak lama dia ngilang, gak taunya pas balik lagi ke UNILA dia bawa temennya cewek. Which made me thought she was his crush.

"Eh jalan yuk ini kan malem minggu, kemana gitu." ajak si Obe.
"Ayok aja gue ajak kawan gue." sambil pegang hp nelpon kawan gue namanya Debby.
Gue ngajakin Kak Fangky, tapi dia nolak.
"Ayolah kak, mumpung si Obe bawa cewek nih. Kapan lagi dia bawa cewek." ledek gue.
Semua ketawa-ketawa termasuk cewek yang dia bawa juga ketawa.

Karena gue disuruh nunggu di kampus sendiri, jadi gue dianterin Kak Kefas ke kampus, begitu juga si Obe dan temennya pun nyusul ke kampus. Gue nunggu di mobil si Obe bertiga sama temennya yang cewek, soalnya Kak Kefas udah pulang.

"Eh mar, ikut lomba yang di palembang yuk nanti, itu acara gede tuh."
"Apa emang nama lombanya?"
"Indonesia Scrabble Challenge. Gue males sendirian ke Palembang, ajak siapa kek gitu."
"Gue mau tapi harus ada cewek satu lagi buat nemenin gue, buat modal ijin juga."
"Yaudah nti ajak-ajakin anak English Club aja. Bulan mei ini kalo gak salah lombanya."

His words.. selalu kebayang-bayang dalam benak gue. Dia ngajak bulan februari. lombanya bulan mei. Dengan skill gue yang bekicot begini mau ikut acara besar? 
Gak bisa dibiarin. Gue langsung ke sekret English Club. Kebetulan banget orang yang gue cari lagi maen laptop disitu.
"Oi Kak Fangky, belajar scrabble yuk."
"Lo udah makan belom? Makan dulu aja yuk di kantin laper gue."
Pas banget gue lagi makan di kantin sama dia, moment yang pas buat ngomong.
"Kak ajarin gue maen scrabble lebih sering sih, gue diajakin si Obe buat lomba di Palembang."
"Oh.. ISC?"
"Iya, ngeri gue. Gak bisa apa-apa. Vocab 2 huruf aja gak apal semua,"
"Kenapa gak minta sama Obe suruh ngelatih lo? Kan dia yang mau lomba, dia yang ngajak. Gue mana bisa Mar, sibuk skripsi. Obe juga lebih pro daripada gue."

Setelah dipikir-pikir iya juga. Kampret gue dikerjain bener kalo tuh anak gak mau ajarin gue.
Gue pake taktik, tiap hari gue sms dia. Kalo lagi kosong jam kuliah gue ajak latihan terus, bahkan sampe sore, lebih lagi pernah sampe jam 8 malem. Sedikit rayuan gue, mengubah pikiran dia juga hehe jago yaaa :D

Emang sih selama kita berdua sering latihan, banyak yang gossipin kita pacaran. Tapi gue berhasil tepis itu sampe gue mau ke Palembang. We are just friends, He is my tutor, and I am his student. No more no less.
Karena sejujurnya gue tertarik sebelum ke Palembang sama satu orang yang bikin gue pengen banget ketemu. Jadi perasaan gue sama Obe, benar-benar TUTOR-MURID. -TEMAN-

Tapi setelah di Palembang, gue ngerasa aneh sama hati gue. Kenapa orang yang pengen gue temuin rasanya jadi biasa aja? Gak bisa bikin hati berdebar-debar gimana gitu, kayaknya biasa aja, nothing special.
Yang lebih aneh lagi adalah perlakuannya Obe ke gue yang agak beda dari biasanya. Tapi gue gak terlalu perhatiin itu, menurut gue itu biasa mungkin karena dia seneng lagi ada di Palembang.

Lomba pun selesai dalam waktu 3 hari. Tapi itu semua belom selesai karena kita ketinggalan kereta. Jadi kita ber5 nginep di dalam satu kamar hotel yang sama. Tidur macam sarden karena udah abis duit semua terpaksa ngirit.

Saat kita semua lagi sibuk sama gadget di kamar, tiba-tiba si Obe ngomong nyeplos.
"Pokoknya ntar tidurnya paling ujung si Aldo, terus Imron, terus gue."
"Terus sampingnya siapa? Pasti Maria." ceplos Aldo.
"Ih males, Olvi aja lah." 
"Eh kan gue udah cup pojok duluan dari pertama." sambung Olvi,
Matilah gue dalem hati, tidur samping si Obe udah badannya gede begini apa gak kegencet.
Tapi ternyata semua pikiran gue salah. Gue gak kegencet, tapi......
I felt someone touched my hand.
Dan itu gak sebentar, tapi gue gak berani buka mata. Karena gue tau sebelah tangan gue si Olvi, dan yang sebelah kiri si Obe. Dan tangan gue yang disentuh itu tangan kiri. Hmmm....

Pulang dari Palembang kita naik travel. Gue duduk di tempat yang salah. Paling belakang tapi sebelah kanan, Obe sebelah kiri. 
Tempat duduk gue bikin kepala sakit, posisinya gak enak banget. Sampe akhirnya si Obe ngajak tukeran tempat.
Abis tukeran tempat malah jadi gue yang kasian, dia tidur ngorok sambil kepentok-pentok ujung mobil lol.
Yaudah gue biasa aja, gue suruh dia tiduran di paha gue dengan agak terpaksa dan rasa kasian. Baru sadar itu salah, karena sebelumnya gue gak pernah begitu bahkan sama sahabat. 

Setelah nyampe di Lampung, kita jadi sering jalan bareng, bukan jalan bareng karena main scrabble lagi. Tapi beneran jalan bareng. 
Makin lama makin hari nih orang tingkah lakunya beda kalo sama gue, beda banget. Gue sadar tapi gue gak peduli. Karena waktu itu gue masih diledekin sama temen-temen gue sama nama cowok yang pernah deket gue, walaupun gak se-deket gue sama Obe.
Yah, menurut gue walaupun teman juga santai aja pegangan tangan, cubit-cubitan, itu biasa menurut gue, tapi itu special rasanya menurut si Obe. 
Terlebih lagi waktu gue jadi jengkel karena dia batalin pergi ke Lembah Hijau waktu gue lagi pengen bangeeeeeet sama temen-temen gue. And he felt so sorry about it. 
Yang menurut gue (karena gue nganggep dia teman dan tutor) gue bisa pergi kok sama temen-temen gue yang lain, jadi santai aja lah, terasa beda waktu dia janjiin besok akan pergi ke Lembah Hijau sekalipun dia harus bolos mata kuliah di jam sore.

Tiap hari dimana ada dia, pasti ada gue. Lama-lama ya gitu, jadi ngerasa nyaman. Gue gak pernah bikin repot orang yang mau deketin gue harus begini begitu, terlebih lagi gue bukan cewek yang suka jual mahal dan kegedean jaim sama orang. Santai aja..
Gue sadar kalo hari itu gue juga mulai punya perasaan sama ini orang. Tapi memang gak bisa dipungkiri gue udah nyaman.
Sampe waktu itu dia bangunin gue buat ngerjain tugas jam 2 malam, gue ngucapin "Thanks" pake emoticon love di twitter tapi gak gue tag ke dia, sadar gak sadar sih sebenernya. Pas mau hapus, koneksi internet gue lemot, yaudah gue biarin.

Tepatnya tanggal 17 juni waktu nonton film DIVERGENT, gue ketemu kawan gue yang suka ledekin gue pacaran sama Obe. Mereka pacaran sukanya ledekin gue sama obe, suka ngintip-ngintip gue sama obe lagi nonton. Hebatnya, Obe berani pegang tangan gue sementara yang pacaran aja gak pegangan tangan sama sekali. Sampe mereka ngeliatin kita berdua dan ketawa-ketawa di bioskop.
Pulang dari bioskop, gue merekomendasi untuk pergi ke Gelael. Tempat dimana gue sama Obe biasa latihan sebelom ke Palembang.
Nyampe di sana, topik kita adalah lomba scrabble untuk di Jakarta. Tapi lagi-lagi dia megang tangan gue though cuman sebentar, itu biasa. Ya, itu biasa anggepan gue.

Nyampe di rumah, Obe langsung bbm gue. 
"Sebenernya tadi di Gelael gue mau ngomong sesuatu sih, cuman yaudah nanti aja kamis."
"Ngomong sekarang aja, mau ngapain emang? Kenapa harus kamis?"
"Ya gak enak besok rabu kan libur, jadi kamis aja biar lebih jelas."
"Oh oke.."

Hari rabu malam, gue lagi cerita-cerita kalo kawan gue ditolak cewek dambaannya cuman karena dia masih nyimpen foto-foto mantannya. 
Lagi cerita-cerita yang tadinya bales cepet, jadi bales lama. Gue bingung nih orang kenapa.

Tepat kamis 19 Juni. Gue kesel banget abis lomba scrabble Dies Natalis di kampus. Obe ngerasa kasihan juga mungkin sama gue yang lagi stress, karena janjinya mau makan ke Diggers, yaudah kita jalan kesana. Pas lagi di jalan, gue baru inget kalo nih orang mau ngomong sama gue.
"Eh be, lo inget janji lo kan?"
"Janji apa?"
"Katanya mau ngomong sama gue, ngomong sekarang aja."
"Hmmm nanti aja deh pas nyampe diggers."
"Lama ah, sekarang aja."
"Iya di diggers, janji gue."
"Yaudah gue tunggu!"

Sesampe nya di Diggers, gue langsung menuju atas dan cari paling pojok.
"Dah, sekarang mau ngomong apa?"
"Nti dulu lah pesen makanan dulu."

Sesudah pesen makanan, gue tanya lagi.
"Sekarang mau ngomong apa nih?"
"Duh gak enak sebelah kita rame ada yang lagi ulang tahun."

Ya ampun nih orang pengen gue cekek rasanya. Gue langsung berdiri pindah tempat duduk.
"Udah sepi kan Be? Yok ngomong."

Baru gue ngomong gitu, pelayan dateng bawain pesanan kita berdua.
"Makanannya udah dateng Mar, makan dulu aja deh ya."

Lagi-lagi batal, kesel rasanya. Sengaja gue makan cepet-cepet hehe mampus lo be.
"Kok cepet amat makannya?"
"Yaudah cepetan dong lo juga, terus ngomong."
Gue bener-bener gak sadar dia mau ngomong apa waktu itu, mungkin bener kata temen-temen gue, gue bukan cewek yang peka.

"Yaudah gue mau ngomong nih."

"Buruan mau ngomong apa?"

"Lo liat gak status twitter gue kemaren-kemaren?"

"Gak, yang mana?"

"Nih." sambil nunjukkin hp. *IT JUST  HAPPENS* --> that's his twitter status in June 16

"Gak ngerti sumpah, maksudnya apaan sih?"

"Gue baca artikel kemarin-kemarin ini sebelum tanggal 16 di salah satu web percintaan, di artikel itu dijelasin ada 2 tipe cewek. Yang satunya kayak ratu, tapi yang satunya sederhana. Cewek yang kayak ratu itu lebih suka jual mahal, suruh cowok buat mati-matian berjuang. Ibarat dia hidup dalam istana yang dikelilingi prajurit-prajurit dan naga api, cowok berjuang mati-matian buat dapetin dia tapi setelah dapet cewek itu gak se-spesial yang diliat. Terus ada lagi cewek yang hidupnya sederhana tinggal di rumah berpintu kayu, cowok yang mau kenal sama dia gak perlu ada usaha banyak, cukup dengan sopan ketok pintu ngobrol-ngobrol, dan mereka bisa jatuh cinta lama-lama tanpa mereka sadari, alias It just happens."

"Terus tuh cerita apa hubungannya sama gue, Be?"

"Gue rasa lo cewek kayak di artikel itu, lo cewek yang ada di dalem rumah berpintu kayu itu. Sederhana, it just happens."


"Iya sebenernya gue udah suka sama lo, gue tau perasaan gue lebih dari sekedar teman. Gue udah bener-bener nyaman sama lo kalo mau jujur."

"Oh gitu, terus?" dengan gaya gue yang sok cool, soalnya hal begini udah biasa pikir gue, ceileh~

"Ya begitu aja. Oh iya mar gue mau nanya dong."

"Nanya apaan nih?" dalem hati udah pusing gue, dia pasti mau nanya status twitter gue kemaren ini.

"Nih status maksudnya apaan?"

Nah kan bener, bilang enggak bilang enggak. Ah tapi karena gue cewek yang santai, gue bilang aja deh. Toh lo udah ngaku lo suka sama gue hehehehe yuhuuu~

"Iya tuh status emang buat lo kok gue buat, kenapa?"
"Oh gpp.. Gue seneng sebenernya denger itu beneran buat gue." Obe ngomong sambil senyum-senyum sambil ngecek hp.
Saat itu gue pengen ngakak, tapi gue tahan, Beneran pengen ngakak, seorang Obe yang pendiem, culun, dll bisa salting depan gue.
"Kok muka lo merah sih, Be?"
"Ah masa sih? Muka lo juga merah kok."

Akhirnya gue ngajak Obe ngobrol di mobil aja sebelom keluar dari parkiran Diggers, gue ngerasa udah agak malem juga soalnya takut kemaleman. 
Sampe di mobil gue luapin semua yang udah gue rasain.

"Akhir-akhir ini gue sadar kok, cuman chat lo yang gue tunggu bukan yang lain. Walaupun gue jujur gue juga deket dan chat sama banyak orang. Makanya gue sempet marah waktu tau lo anggurin chat gue tapi bisa update status."

"Yaudah makasih ya, Mar."

"Yaudah makasih ya, Mar." sambil gue monyong-monyongin bibir gue ledekin dia.

"Ih seriusan.. Mar."
Belom sempet gue ngomong, dia udah genggam tangan gue sambil ngomong lagi..
"Gue janji, janji bakal terus berusaha kayak gini sama lu."

Dalem hati gue, buat apa janji kayak gitu toh kita gak pacaran. Masa iya tanpa status? Tapi gue biarin aja, gue males ngulur-ngulur waktu nanya itu lagi.

Lagi di jalan, tepatnya di belokan sebelom rumah gue. Dia tiba-tiba nanya.
"Jadi... kita resmi gak nih?"
"Hah? resmi apaan nih?" sontak gue kaget.
"Ih yaudahlah kalo gak ngerti."
"Maksudnya apaan sih Be? Pacaran?"
"Iya lah apalagi."
"Hmmm...iya deh." gue ngomong sambil ketawa senyum-senyum, karena gue pikir dia cuman menyatakan perasaan tanpa berharap gue jadi ceweknya. Tapi lagi-lagi pikiran gue salah.

But, guess what? His smile looked so bright that day, I've never seen his smile like this before. LOL

PS : Kenapa waktu hari rabu malem tiba-tiba Obe bisa bales chat gue dengan waktu yang lama? Karena dia juga nyimpen foto-foto cewek di hpnya, termasuk cewek yang dia suka sebelom gue, tapi dia takut gue bakal nolak dia untuk tanggal 19 Juni hari Kamis hahaha. Terlebih lagi waktu lagi menyatakan cinta, dia dengan PD nya nyuruh gue cek galeri hp dia, untuk memastikan bahwa hpnya bersih dari noda-noda cewek yang dulu HAHAHA

Saturday 19 July 2014


It's the real story of my boyfriend. He made this for us (me and him), he just wanted keeping this as our memories. 
And I promised him, I would post this as soon as possible. I was the one who really wanted to do this, but I didn't tell him that it would had been posted in my blog. By the way, today is my first month with him, that's why I really wanted to post this from yesterday. So, enjoy it ;)

I am happy with my new campus life. It is so much less stressed, friendly environment compared than my previous campus. I am converted student from more well-know-university, and I think it contributed quite significantly to my popularity in this new campus. Almost everyone surprised when they knew I wasn't ordinary student, but converted student from Jakarta.

Everytime I walked pass C building, there are always some people who knew me and stopped me. Even I was treated like an artist there, I didn't quite enjoy that. One day they got it quite too far, someone even asked which one was my car (while in fact it was borrowed car from my father), I didn't want to give an answer, then suddenly a girl told me.. "Hey! I know which one! That blue one. Isn't it? I saw you were driving it yesterday, if you lie than that car will disappear!". Then she laughed hard. That girl... she just answered the question for me, which I didn't want too.

I used to be active in english club in previous university, and decided to continue active here. One day, I entered english club room, but before I entered the english club room, I heard the loud voice. Wait..... I thought I ever heard that. Whose voice was it? Huh.. that girl, the one that answered my question. I told to myself "is she interested in english club too, especially scrabble?". Because at that time, she was playing scrabble with her friend and made astounding noise. I didn't know her name, but I was curious about it.

Then Kefas, one of senior in english club told me. "Oh that noisy little girl? Her name is Maria, she is one of my student." Ah! That's why I never saw her playing scrabble before.
Day by day after that, she kept appearing in english club room, sometimes she asked me to play together with her friends, and she already knew me by that time.. Kefas or Fangky must be talked about me to her.

On February, about 3 months since we first met, I just went back to Lampung after runner-up result in THE ICON, one of annual national competition, and decided to linger to newbie competition in Unila, called "Be Champ". I was quite surprised that she was willing to join that competition with Kefas. Then she asked me to give toss to her, then she said "by doing this, you transfer skill and luck to me". What a coincidence, she kept winning the game after that LOL. She even finished above Kefas. Now I wonder if it's really because her skill or fluke. But one thing that certain, I saw she really loved scrabble and willing to join another competition.

A few weeks after that, she kept asking me to play together, then ISF announced that this year biggest national competition, called "Indonesia Scrabble Challenge" would be held in Palembang. And guess, she was the one who seemed most interested and really wanted to join that biggest annual competition.

Later, I got so much closer with her. First, she wanted me to train her everyday. Second, she also started to hangout with some of my best friends. I was happy that I got new scrabble student, especially after I stopped working as scrabble tutor in one of SHS there. But sometimes, I also felt that my free times reduced severely because of her. But then, once again her fast learning made me happy to have student like her. There were also few other that trained by me, but she was the brightest.

A few weeks after that, I took her to her home, and she asked me to introduce myself to her parent as well as let her parent about Indonesia Scrabble Challenge. Then she told to her parent. "This is Christian". I started to introduce myself while suddenly her mother said "Angel already told me that you were first winner in national scrabble competition", which made me thought first because I usually called her Maria, not Angel. Well, that mean she had already told her parents much about me. The first met her parent run smoothly and I managed to leave a good first impression to them. But at that time, I thought I didn't have any feeling with her. She was just my student, we got close because of scrabble.

Finally our hardwork asking our university to support us with some fun worked. Just about 2 weeks before that competition started, and suddenly she got problem and doubt whether she joined ISC or not. I was very sad to hear that.
I said to her. "no, you have to join this competition". Lemme solve your problem that hampered you to join this competition. First thought was, so what are all training are for? I had sacrifice maybe more than 30 hours to teach you. But then, some eerie or strange feel kicked off. No, it was not just because I felt all my hardwork to teach her were wasted, it was just I finally realized that it would be something missing if she didn't join this tourney. Something that always made me to cheer up in last few weeks. Yes, she made me happy lately. But I didn't know why. Maybe I just felt comfortable with her.

Luckily, finally she decided to join. We both enjoyed our trip by train to Palembang, which took more than 12 hours. Then she woke me up from my daydream by shouted "DOR!!!" and I speared her hand to my stomach. I was very surprised and my first reflex reaction was grab her hand, she kept our hand touched, until I let it go. Again I felt happy and strange because of that.
I decided to revenge what she did in train. Hmm by what? Maybe tickle her stomach? I was curious about her reaction if I did that. She went mad and replied with even more "painful" tickles. It happened so many times until I got used with her finger.


We missed our train when we came back to Bandar Lampung, then we decided to travel back by car. Such a lucky coincidence I sat in same row in car with her. I felt happy, but didn't know why. It just happened, I felt happy for no reason. Just because she sat beside me.

Few weeks later, her father stopped me when I took her home. He complained about UBL that gave us too little money, and told me that "He won't pay and let her daughter joins competition again if he must gives money from his pocket". I thought so hard how to keep her join another competition, especially ZEST. The solution? train her more until she can win scrabble competition in <1200 rated category. I told her next day about my plan and she asked "what about your free time?". I talked to myself, "I don't care I just want you to keep joining tourney". Again, I didn't know what force drove my heart to say that.

Few days has passed since that. We got even closed. We met Mrs Yul, to submit our result in ISC. I was quite sad that she said "No, in this case only Christian can apply full scholarship in next semester."
Participant certificates were not good enough. A few lecturer also there, and of them asked me. "Is that your girlfriend? You two look alike". I said NO, we just happen to get this close because of scrabble

Since that day we got even more and more closed than before. No one of us deliberately did this. It just happened. It maybe what some people called it "natural PDKT". We hang out together frequently, not because we wanted to play scrabble, instead we watched movie together, or even had dinner together at Diggers Cafe. Then my brain said, hey dude learn from your past, she just felt comfortable with you. Wasn't hang out with just one girl already happened with you? what happened next? she left you when she got boyfriend. So enjoy when it last, till she got boyfriend. No extra feeling. So, I assumed she already friendzoned, or maybe tutorzoned me at first.

Then about 1week later, she wanted us to go to Lembah Hijau. It's one of the most perfect place here for dating actually. None of our friend wanted to join us. Then I said, "just two of us?", she said "I think so, why? Is that matter?". Which I immediately replied. "No, no at all."
We talked much there about everything. Then the conversation pointed to Fadlan Satria. I told he ever had Girlfriend from his student. Then she replied, "Only he? Only he ever fell in love and dated his own student?". I said, "from what I know, yes."
But then my heart said. "Hey, look isn't you are dating now?" But I ignored it.

At home I remembered 1 of her quote. "FOLLOW YOUR BRAIN. BECAUSE YOUR HEART IS AS STUPID AS SHIT". Then I used it to diagnose my feeling to her, then again I carefully used my brain, but this time, it said differently.
The first think came out was "Idiot, you should differ whether it is a lesson from previous experience, or your trauma".
Back to SHS era, long long time ago when you decided perfect criteria for your girlfriend. You wanted a little chubby girl, with cute face, with long straight hair and white skin. "That girl has to be cheerful and strongly recommended understands scrabble, so she can cheer you up when you join competition. And remember, it must be much better if she is also catholic and pure chinese". Now look at she. Is that any girl that give you chance in your life matches more than your dream girl than her? You could fall in love quickly, even with a girl that really far away from that criteria, including that 2 wrong girls. If you could fall in love and love that 2 far matched girl, why this one can't? Then I started to realize, that actually she had stolen my heart, but maybe partially. It was myself who kept ignoring and preventing my feeling to fall deeper. It was also myself who assumed she already friendzoned me or tutorzoned me. Then I started to realize, that she treated me differently with her other friends. It wasn't a lesson from past that drove me to think that at first, it was trauma.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
We made small reunion with our closest friend in ISC. They are Aldo, Imron, and Olvi. We met in UBL canteen, canteen with free sauna facility, and planned to go to waterboom, finally we decided to go there at Saturday, June 7, 2014.

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Like our plan, we all went to waterboom. This was my first time to enjoy waterboom in Bandar Lampung. There are few, yet quite long waterslide that available there. She said she wanted to try it, but when she reached the top, she was too afraid to slide alone, and the instructor said that she could ride together if she wanted. She sat right behind me.. I grabbed her hand, and held it tightly until we reached "shallow pool". Then did it again, I felt very happy just because of it.
After tiring day, we went to diggers. I knew my feeling with her wasn't just as tutor to student only now. But I hadn't decided yet to keep it grow, or turned it off. Then suddenly Aldo and Imron asked her how long the correct PDKT until someone confesses his/her feeling. She said without doubt. "Of course, 3 or 4 months!".
I counted how long we had been closed, started from BE CHAMP.
DAMN! I said to myself. It's 3 and half month. But wait, Did I PDKT to her? I don't think so. It just happened because scrabble training, and she was the one who kept following me at first, but then she emphasized that PDKT is when you're close to somebody, whether you already like her or not. So I have roughly 2 weeks to grow this feeling, confess or switch it off, and back to beginning.

Then I took her home, she wondered why I recently go churching, all she knew was I had said. "I was very seldom go to there. Maybe once a year". I knew the reason, I was happy recently and it was because of her. But should I tell her? Noooo nooot yet!


Sunday, June 8, 2014
I was given extra task by ISF to become PIC (Person in Charge) in WYSC selection. It was quite boring task, honestly. Because I couldn't play. Luckily, Aldo came and I could play with him but still watched other tables play. Then I told to Aldo, "There is a girl who seems interested in me, and I think I am too". 
Then I told him what she did, at first he didn't realize what girl I was talking about. Until he got curious and I said. "That girl who swam with us yesterday". That really shocked him LOL!

Monday, June 9, 2014
Selection day 2. I had important presentation in this morning, but also had my task to become PIC. Worse, this selection today was held in Mrs Endang's house. I never went there before but quite sure could find it because one player told "Her house is near to SMA 5, it should be no problem if you know it". I went back from campus with Maria, and decided to find that house. Then it turned out to be very difficult task, finally I gave up, mainly because her face started to change from happy to something. Then we decided to go to PKOR, one of few beautiful places to hang out and dating in Bandar Lampung, then have dinner together. We ate satay near my house, which I believed the most delicious. I was happy to see her face happy. What sorcery was it? Ah there important lesson for me when this happened. Never accept task from someone to you very easily, you should make sure that you can do it perfectly before accept that.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
I was sleepy in campus, when Yuyun (one of maria close friends) asked me "hey! what about going to Lembah Hijau in this spare time?". Huh, I thought I was sleepy and tired, then you asked me to drive the car there. But then I remembered Maria wanted to go there again. So I said, "I was tired but if both of you wanted, it was okay." but then another thought came to my head. "Don't you remember a few days before when you got stressed because you couldn't handle 2 important jobs after you accept them both?". So I said again to them, "But I was too sleepy and tired".
At the end, we cancelled it and only went to Robinson, small supermarket located near campus. I saw disappointment in her face, and felt so sorry for her. But this was weird, I usually stayed calm when a person was disappointed because of me. Which finally I realized she had stolen my heart. I apologized to her and promised to go again there in few days ahead.


The english club held intercom which consist of scrabble and speech contest. At first, I wanted to join that too but finally realized that this competition was not suitable for me. Maria decided to join it, and we decided to train her, but then I was shocked when my scrabble board was lost. It must be mixed with LSC scrabble board. Then I said to her "Maria, my board was missing, we couldn't play." , she only said "it's okay."

Friday, June 13, 2014
We went to gramedia, just two of us as usual. Looked for scrabble board. Unfortunately, the scrabble set that we wanted couldn't be found there. There were only magnetic scrabble board, which far more expensice with much smaller letter. Then we decided to watch a movie. We bought "cat in the box" movie ticket Maleficent. I said the cat in the box because both of us were clueless about what movie it was.
Luckily, we all were satisfied with that movie. We went home, I chatted to her that his week I was forced to take difficult choices, and gave her my decision. But the most difficult choice still hidden deep inside my heart and brain. Did I want to confess my feeling and commit to myself to become her boyfriend if she accepted, or killed this feeling before it was too late.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Our small group (Me, Maria, Olvi, Imron, and Aldo) made a small scrabble training in Maria's home. Olvi couldn't come to Maria's home because she didn't feel very good today (not delicious body). I had two games against Aldo and his play gave me some serious trouble, including surprising nine-timer barriers for 140.
Then they went to Olvi's home to see Olvi's condition, but also because me and Maria went to church.
By the way I loved her dress that day, she was so beautiful in green. After that we reunited and had dinner together at Raja Kuring, one of most delicious restaurant here.

Monday, June 16, 2014
I didn't go to bed until 2AM. First, I was not sleepy. Second, because I promised to wake her up. Back to sunday evening she said she hadn't finished her final assignment, which required for UAS, but she was tired at that moment, so I said "How about sleep earlier and I will you wake up at 2 AM. You hear my call and woke up, then I sleep".
When I woke up, I opened my twitter and found her tweet. "Thanks<3<3"
She wrote it at 3 AM. Was that tweet is for me? If not me, who? But why she wrote it with heart emoticon? At that time I still hadn't made a decision to tell her what I felt, or forgot it.

That afternoon she asked me to hangout together to Lembah Hijau. Once again, only two of us. We were having fun much more than before. I dared to hold her hand and she never let her hand go. Instead she played with my hand too, and never let it go too. Lembah Hijau is one of the rare place in Bandar Lampung that suitable to love confession. But at that time, I thought I still had to make sure that I really wanted her and made commitment with her.
Back to home, I still wondered that actually happened between us. We still didn't know why both of us felt very happy together, held each other hand and never let it go. It just happened, out of nowhere, unexplainable and no one of us experienced it before, or even heard it how 2 people could be like this close without any statuses. Anyone saw us in Lembah Hijau must thought we were perfect couple, without any doubt.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
We planned to watch movie together, again. That time movie was Divergent. We went there just in time, but a long queue line made us impossible to buy the ticket. So we cancelled and tried to get ticket in next show, about 2:30 PM. Then she said she wanted to watch doraemon from my laptop, of course. We watched it until that ran out of battery, again our hand touched and no one wanted to let it go. When the laptop died, we finally bought ticket for our movie but it was still 1 and half hour before that movie started.
Back to car, we waited movie there but she was sleepy and almost fell asleep there. That when I made my decision, confessed my feeling to her.
I thought even she didn't want a mature girl like her can maintain the relationship (best friend or tutor). If I waited longer it was maybe too late for me also to turn back if she rejected. That was what I thought there. Finally our movie started and as always, we kept our hand touched in almost entire movie.

We went back to car, I decided to tell her, but it felt so hard just to say that. Then she said "why we don't go to gelael now?". Gelael is our favorite place for scrabble training, and I thought it was better place to tell her about that. But after we wanted there she made some conversations about our next competition, ZEST. We talked much about that. It was 6PM after about 20 minutes talked about that. Then she said "I think I must go home now." So, I had to cancel what I wanted to say to her.

Thursday, June 19, 2014
My little brother birthday, I said happy birthday for him but couldn't celebrate with him. Also there were internal competition in UBL, and I appointed myself to become PIC in this competition. Maria joined it, she got high chance to win this competition. And I planned to tell her what I felt in that day. I had chosen Diggers Cafe as it place. No cafe in Bandar Lampung as far as I know has spectacular view and romantic environment as it. That cafe built in cliff, also some tables only use candle to light them, make romantic candle light dinner. We already did that at least 2 times before that date.
The competition ran smoothly and it was great pleasure to see her strongly placed 2nd with 1 round to go, if she won the last game, she would become champion if that tournament. Sadly, she lost in endgame after leaded in most part of the game. She got stressed, depressed and became bad mood after it. Mainly because she dumped back and finished at 5th. But we still didn't cancel our plan to diggers. I was about to cancel the plan to tell my feeling, because she was in very bad mood when suddenly she asked "By the way, you still remembered your promise yesterday, you wanted to tell me something". But I said "It's better to discuss it in Diggers Cafe."
It made me think twice, and made decision, yes I will tell to her. Finally, her mood became much better than one hour before. and if not now, then when?

Finally we got nice place in Diggers Cafe with outstanding view. To be honest I got nervous, I finally managed to almost tell it but the meal came, just before my word. So we got dinner first. When both of us finished it, I said to her..
"Maria, I am very comfortable with you and I am in love with you."
She only said "Oh..then? Only that?" Then she kept silent for a few second.
Then I started to ask her. "By the way, what all these statuses and your answers in especially your tweet with "THANKS <3<3"??" Her face turned into red. Then said "LOL your face is red. Funny face.", not realizing her face also became red, maybe redder than mine. Then she took a deep breath and said. "Yes, they were for you.", she then also told what her feeling about me, about everything that proved she also had same feeling as me to her.

When we went home, I asked to her. "So, this is official, isn't it?"
Then she said "Huh? Official? Status? We are couple now? Haha you hadn't even shooted me yet!"
But then she said again charmly without any doubt "YES WE ARE."

It all happens naturally, we both don't even know from what point both of us fall in love each other. I hope this will last forever. Thank you so much God for giving and trusting her to me. Thank you Maria Angelica Lusuandie for choosing me out of so many men that decided to put their hearts on you. Thank you for anyone who thinks me and her look alike and that makes us perfect couple. LOL.. Last not but least thank you for reading this story.

Christian Oktavius Biantoro.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Belajar gila

Belajar gila? 
Belajar gila yang dimaksud hanyalah menjadi gokil-unyu-imut-menye-menye.
Lagian mau jadi gila aja kok pake belajar.

Gue bersama kance sohib gue lagi nongkrong-nongkrong di kantin, kebetulan waktu itu gue lagi bawa laptop. Sebut saja lah nama sohib gue ini BUNGA, walaupun dia cowok ya bodoamat lah bukan urusan.
Kita duduk samping-sampingan sengaja soalnya laptopnya cuman satu sih buat barengan (bukan hadap-hadapan).
Gue memesan minuman di kantin, seperti biasa gue mesennya kopi, kalo kawan gue sukanya chocolate float.
Begitu gue mau konekin wifi niatnya kepengen internetan gratis, kok malah gak bisa, apa gak sial itu namanya? 
Tapi baru aja gue bilang "gak ada guna nih laptop gue bawa." , langsung tiba-tiba ada gunanya loh!

"Eh gak jadi deng BUNG, ini laptop ada gunanya kok."
"Apa gunanya?"
"Lo tatap mata gue dalem-dalem coba. Lebih dalem, dalem, sampai ke dalem."
"Apaan sih gimana gue mau natap wong mata lo aja ngadep ke depan bego."
"Oh iya BUNG, lo perhatiin apa yang gue perhatiin aja."
"Apaan tuh? Kak Fajar?" (Sebut saja lah cowok itu namanya FAJAR)
"Iya, demen gue liat yang bening-bening."

Sekarang gue mau nulis puisi buat KAK FAJAR, gue buka ms.word dan eng ing eng........~
"Emang bisa lo bikin pusi?"
"Kampret BUNG, gak usah ngeremehin gue. Lo pikir gue bisa apa?"
"Noh kan gak bisa, serius lagi nih."
"BUNG, lo aja yang ngetik. Gue yang mikir kata-katanya. Sir gak?"
"Uwes lah."

Oke.. 1..2...3 mulai!

Saat pertama kali aku melihatmu, hatiku berdebar-debar, jantungku berdegup kencang..
Oh.. mungkinkah aku jatuh cinta?

Aku yakin bahwa ibumu adalah seorang bidadari, 
Karena beliau telah melahirkan seorang pangeran untuk datang ke dunia..

Kak Fajar..
Tanpa kau sadari, wajahmu telah mengalihkan duniaku..
Senyummu yang manis membuat hari-hariku semakin berwarna..
Dan pandangan kedua bola matamu membuatku seakan tak berdaya..

Aku bukanlah permaisuri yang cantik jelita..
Aku bukanlah Bill Gates yang kaya raya..
Aku bukanlah Albert Einstein yang sangat pintar..
Tapi aku hanyalah aku, yang akan selalu mengerti..
Bahwa hatiku hanya selalu ada untukmu.

Sambil ngetik sambil ngakak-ngakak, ketawa-ketiwi.
Gue sama BUNGA diliatin ditatapin diperhatiin satu kantin, termasuk KAK FAJAR juga tuh, wah sebodoamat deh gue mah.
Lagi asik-asik ketawa, ditengah ketawa si BUNGA malah nanya "Eh ini mau dikasih judul apa Mar puisinya?"
"YAOLOH BUNGA... ya judulnya KAK FAJAR lah, masa mau dikasih judul TESSI?"
Berasa kayak kantin milik sendiri. Yaudah deh karena kita ujung-ujungnya kelaperan akhirnya kita berdua mesen makanan.
Nah sambil nunggu makanan dateng, gue mau mengisi waktu itu dengan bergossip tentang KAK FAJAR bersama BUNGA.

"Eh gak usah gossip deh BUNG, dosa."
"Wih sok cool banget lo Mar."
"Eh BUNG.."
"Gue pengen ngomong sesuatu lah ke KAK FAJAR someday."
"Ngomong apa?"
"Kak, kakak itu oksigen apa manusia sih? Kenapa dek? Iya soalnya aku gak bisa hidup tanpa kakak."
Cieleeeh icikiwir gaya lo mar mar...

Sambil ngomong juga kita sambil ngakak-ngakak. Pokoknya saat itu perut gue sakit bener kebanyakan ketawa.

"Terus apalagi Mar gombalannya?"
"KAK FAJAR tau gak persamaaan kakak sama indomie? Apa dek? Sama-sama seleraku."
HAHAHAHA agak nyambung.

"Gombalin gue mar sekali aja."
"Hah lo tau gak persamaan lo sama kecap bango?"
"Kalo kecap bango tuh hitam manis, kalo lo hitam kecut. wakakaka"
"Sialan lo emangnya gue ketek apa kecut-kecut segala."

Makanan datang, gue pun makan sampe 2 piring dan setelah itu perut gue terasa mual dan gue langsung bergegas ke kamar mandi walau gue tau BUNGA memperhatikan gue dengan kebingungan.
Gue ke kamar mandi taunya penuh masih ada orang, dan giliran orang itu buka pintu langsung gue tabrak nyelonong masuk ke kamar mandi, gue muntah uwek uwek gitu, gak lama dari situ gue balik ke meja tadi.

"Lo gpp mar?"
"Gpp gue cuma hamil."
"Astaga serius lagi lah."
"Hahaha iya kekenyangan doang, duh mau muntah lagi."
"Muntah aja depan KAK FAJAR."

KAK FAJAR langsung nengok ke arah kita, dan gue gak tau mesti ngapain lagi. Ini semua karena BUNGA yang ngomong kenceng-kenceng dan gak lihat situasi.

*to be continued*

Ini ceritaku, apa ceritamu?